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Desenhando desde criança, 

encontrei meu lugar no computador criando

meu mundo!


• Nascido em São Paulo, Brasil;


• Graduado em Design Gráfico e pós graduado em Direção Visual e Multimídia;


• Trabalhei 14 anos no departamento de Criação da Tok&Stok. Desenvolvi materiais de divulgação, folhetos e catálogos. De 2014 a 2021 liderei a equipe de Design de Embalagem;

• Trabalhei como designer e diretor de arte das revistas digitais GameBlast, Playstation Blast e Nintendo Blast;

• Trabalhei como designer na Editora Warpzone, com os livros  da coleção 101 Games e revistas Animax.

Se estiver interessado em me contratar para freelance mande uma mensagem.

Drawing since childhood, 

found my place in a computer creating my world!


• Brazilian, born in São Paulo;

• Graduated in Graphic Design and specialist in Multimedia and Visual Management;

• I’ve worked for 14 years in the visual design department at Tok&Stok, the biggest furniture and accessories store in Brazil, developing booklets and catalogs. From 2014 to 2021 I was the lead designer of packaging team;

• I worked as editorial designer and art director on the digital magazines 

GameBlast, Playstation Blast and Nintendo Blast.

• I worked as editorial designer at Editora Warpzone, creating the collection of books 101 Games and the Animax magazine.


If you want to hire me for freelance, please drop me a line.

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Sou apaixonado por design e procuro transmitir mensagens eficientes e objetivas, sempre com foco no resultado - impulsionar vendas, fortalecer marcas ou criar conceitos.

Being a catalyst for innovation, exploring new sustainable solutions or developing a new brand. Below you find a selection of work which manifest our philosophy Simplify to Clarify.

I am passionate about design and always seek to develop efficient and objective messages, always focused on results - boost sales, strengthen brands or create concepts.

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